A Taste of Bazaar del Mundo

A Taste of Culture at Bazaar del Mundo

San Diego is a vibrant city that attracts millions of tourists each year. However, if you are looking for truly unique shopping in San Diego, you must visit Bazaar del Mundo in Old Town. This one-of-a-kind shopping destination is located conveniently in the heart of San Diego, but once you step onto these cobbled streets, you will swear you have been transported into an old Mexican market.
Bazaar del Mundo provides a unique experience for newcomers to San Diego. At the same time, it also is a favorite shopping spot for locals. The brightly colored courtyard will immediately put visitors in a festive mood. Lively music floating down the street melt away worries so that you can enjoy your day of shopping and sightseeing. Each shop has its own special theme. Here is a taste of just three of the amazing shops you’ll find here:
Ariana is one of the most popular shopping spots in Bazaar del Mundo. This beloved women’s boutique offers bold fashions inspired by art and accessories for the woman who dares to be noticed. Here you will find jewelry, handbags, clothing and other accessories that you will not be able to get anywhere else. Many pieces at Ariana have been created by international artists, as well as local designers. Either way, you can be sure you are getting a special piece when you leave.
The Gallery is another extraordinary shop in Bazaar del Mundo, especially for the artist at heart. At The Gallery you will find never-before-seen pieces of wall art, jewelry, pottery and more. The Gallery offers a large selection of Native American art and hard-to-find jewelry, including a large collection of Indian jewelry from Hopi, Navajo, Zuni and Santo Domingo tribes. You’ll swoon over the beautiful colors and styles!
Still another enchanting shop is The Kitchen Shop, where you’ll find lovely additions for your kitchen and home including dishes, tableware, linens, and other home accents – all with a distinct artistic edge. This shop has a special place in the heart of Bazaar del Mundo because here is where we sell authentic Guatemalan woven fabrics for tablecloths, napkins, table runners and other linen needs. This fabric is hand-woven by seven sponsored families living in Guatemala. Not only does this provide amazing products for our customers, but it also helps improve the lives of its artisans.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)