Artes de Mexico Shop

Discover San Diego’s Artes de Mexico Shop

If you want something totally unique to do for yourself or for your group, we recommend a visit to Artes de Mexico. Visiting this lovely Mexican folk art shop means seeing the best of what Mexico offers without ever having to leave San Diego. The best part is all the treasures are together in a single place, and shoppers are greeted at the door by our Mexican paper flower artist who creates colorful bouquets and arrangements.

Shop for Mexican Clothing, Pottery, Regional Folk Art & Much More

When you shop at Artes de Mexico, you’ll enjoy a truly memorable experience. For over 30 years, Artes de Mexico has been one of the foremost Mexican folk art stores in the United States. Shoppers will find the best in San Diego shopping – a vast array of carefully selected regional folk art, ceramics, tin ornaments, handmade paper flowers, colorful traditional Mexican clothing and authentic Mata Ortiz pottery.
Wondering what you might see when you visit this extraordinary San Diego shop? Each item is carefully selected, including the very best of Talavera ceramics, Oaxacan hand-carved and painted wooden animals, authentic regional costumes, masks, black Oaxacan ceramics, copper containers from Santa Clara del Cobre, Dias de los Muertos figures, Taxco sterling silver jewelry, Huichol beaded and yarn art, and religious iconography. The shop displays a wealth of ethnic treasures. Other crafts include glass and brass boxes, tin mirrors and ornaments, and ceramic trees of life. A lovely selection of hand-embroidered San Antonio dresses and other embellished traditional Mexican clothing is also available.

Decorating for Fiestas is Easy with Our Selection of Festive Party Items

For fiestas, colorful Mexican piñatas, paper flowers, papel picado, maracas, serapes and sombreros can make your party extra festive. Shop for Authentic Mexican-Made Craft Items for Decoration & Utility
When you shop Artes de Mexico there’s so much to see and learn about; you could literally spend hours here. Folk art is at the root of Mexican culture and some of these various crafts are centuries old, dating back to pre-Columbian times. Most owe their survival to families, who have handed down their skills to their children and grandchildren. A particular craft is normally associated with one family, in a specific region, and usually made from indigenous materials. Some items are created for the delight and entertainment of family members, others are utilitarian and sold at Mexican markets, or have value beyond the region and are sold for export. Most families depend on the sales of their crafts for their livelihood.
Whether you’re coming for the first time
For more information call 619-296-3161

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)