Design Center Shop

San Diego Home Furnishings & Accents Store

Looking for something new and different from what you’ll find anywhere else in San Diego, and for that matter, in Southern California? Then we’d like to introduce you to Ariana. Ariana is a women’s boutique filled with unique women’s fashion, colorful separates, accessories, bags, wallets, belts and jewelry.

Surround Yourself with Color – Shop for Gifts, Folk & Tribal Art and Much More

It’s amazing how color can transform a room. You can shop for vibrant home décor items and totally redo any or all of the rooms in your home. Come see us for a superb selection! Interior designers and consumers who want to surround themselves in color are captivated by our mix of hand-woven Mexican Zapotec rugs, antique reproduction folk art and tribal art, along with candlesticks in both metal and wood, copper bells, reversed applique molas, pillows, baskets, chimes, home accessories, gifts, and more. Navajo folk art, like painted chickens and other figures, add a whimsical flare to the shop.

Enjoy Unique Furniture from Mexico

Add some unique furnishings to your living room, sun room or patio; ours are definitely not ordinary, but distinctive Mexican furniture. The shop carries a large collection of equipale chairs and furniture from Mexico. This furniture dates back to the days of the Mexican conquest when Cortez accorded “Equipales” as seats of honor to the VIPs. Today, this is one of the few stores in California where this furniture is found.
Ceramic tiles depicting scenes and symbols of the southwest complement other decorative art items. Southwestern motif shirts and jackets of unusual designs hang from wooden hangers and iron brackets.
A wonderful selection of Pendleton blankets and accessories are popular gift items, adding a rich touch to any home.
The Design Center also has a great selection of Talavera garden art and metal sculptures, as well as unique and carefully selected Mexican and Guatemalan folk art and textiles.
In addition, the shop offers: hand-woven baskets in natural dyed fibers, giant ceramic pots tied in rawhide from Chiapas, Mexico, Native American dolls in highly detailed authentic costumes and traditional Indian drums from Taos, New Mexico that are made from hollow logs and stretched rawhide.
Surely you will find a wealth of home décor products at The Design Center. Bring your friends and family and enjoy a day out as you browse and select your favorites from some of the most beautiful home furnishings in San Diego. Most of the furniture is made in Mexico, Indonesia and India, along with creatively upholstered one-of-a-kind chairs, stools and benches.
For more information call 619-296-3161

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)