Travel the World in an Afternoon at Bazaar del Mundo

Shopping in San Diego has always had an international flair to it. With its proximity to the Mexican border and vibrant multi-cultural communities, San Diego is a melting pot of languages, cultures and cuisines.
It’s this global experience we embrace when selecting merchandise for our Bazaar del Mundo shops. When we step into one of our shops, we feel like we’re stepping into another part of the world…
Visiting the Guatemala Shop remind us of a charming village marketplace. Here we display the finest textiles and crafts from Central and South America. We showcase Peruvian retablos, baskets, gourds and folk art.
We select the best of Mexican artisanship for our folk art store, Artes de Mexico. We carry hand-carved wooden animals from Oaxaca, sterling silver jewelry from Taxo, hand-embroidered dresses from San Antonio, and authentic Talavera pottery.
We stock our shelves at The Gallery with Native American Indian crafts from the Zuni, Navajo, Santo Domingo and Hopi tribes. Our display cases have a variety of fine jewelry, each piece crafted by artists using semi-precious stones, exotic beads and enamel.
At The Kitchen Shop, our trek around the world hops over to Germany. Our intricately designed German Waechtersbach china is a favorite with our shoppers.
We love “wearable art,” so that’s why we filled Ariana with Latin and South American inspired women’s apparel. We scoured the planet for the best in colorful, festive clothing and accessories, including hand-dyed peasant blouses, woven shawls, appliquéd jackets and fiesta skirts.
We enjoy surrounding ourselves with innovative interior designs and furniture from quality vendors. At the Design Center, we have furniture made by artisans from Mexico, Indonesia, India and the American Southwest.
Our bookstore, Libros, brings to life Mexican and California culture and history with its selection of children’s books, ethnic cookbooks and travel guides. We’re proud of our Laurel Burch Gallerita, the only store in the world carrying all the designs of this inspired California artist.
Treasures is our aptly named shop featuring a world of exotic gifts. We enjoy the sense of discovery as we search worldwide for collectibles. Our latest finds include Russian Matryoshka dolls, Chinese silk embroideries, Japanese blue and white china, and African stone carvings.
At Bazaar del Mundo, we’re happy to say we’ve made shopping in San Diego an international adventure!

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)