Ariana Shop

San Diego Shopping: Women’s Wearable Art & Fun Fashions

Looking for something new and different from what you’ll find anywhere else in San Diego, and for that matter, in Southern California? Then we’d like to introduce you to Ariana. Ariana is a women’s boutique filled with unique women’s fashion, colorful separates, accessories, bags, wallets, belts and jewelry.

Shop for Hand-Painted Fashions, Jewelry and So Much More

This charming shop is San Diego’s haven of wearable art and fun fashions. The clothing includes hand-painted and embellished designs, as well as rich textiles in vibrant colors and imaginative patterns. Stunning and vivid fiesta skirts, fancy peasant style blouses, embroidered and woven shawls, beaded and embellished bags, imaginative hats, and collectible fashion jewelry are all waiting to be discovered at Ariana. Make a morning, an afternoon, or a full day of it and stop by to see these extraordinary fashions at our San Diego boutique.
With a vast selection of ladies’ separates and one-of-a-kind accessories, shoppers are sure to find a creative look that fits their personality, which explains Ariana’s enormous local following as well as loyal repeat visitors from all over the world.

One of San Diego’s Favorite Stores

Featuring lovely, artist-created fashions, Ariana has become one of San Diego’s favorite stores for women. Whether it’s a hand-woven one-of-a-kind shawl, appliqued jacket, or hand-dyed colorful blouse, Ariana proves you can actually wear art -mand at moderate prices!
For more information call 619-296-3161

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)