Get a Taste of Culture at the Gift Shops of Bazaar del Mundo

Located in the historic Old Town and Mission Valley district of San Diego, this specialty shopping is unlike any other . Bazaar del Mundo is the perfect place to find unique gifts from around the world for yourself or one that you love.

The Experience

Color, personality and handcrafted artistry merge together in this vibrant San Diego gift shop district. We can’t wait for you to join us, spend the day strolling through our charming courtyards, or dining at one of our fantastic Mexican restaurants, Our vibrant village unique finds such as imported ceramics, handcrafted artisan jewelry and kitchen décor.

Specialty Shops San Diego

Full of life and flair, Bazaar del Mundo has everything you need to pull off your next fiesta with style. From varieties of piñatas, to hand-painted dishware, the shops of Bazaar del Mundo have it all.
Check out Mexican paper flowers being created while you walk through Artes de Mexico shop. One of the leading Mexican folk art stores in the United States, Artes de Mexico features authentic Mexican clothing and authentic Mata Ortiz Pottery.
Bazaar del Mundo is proud to offer the artwork of one of California’s most prestigious artists at our Laurel Burch Gallerita. In the 1960s, Laurel Burch was selling her work on the streets of San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury district. This “flower-child” became a famous artist and designer who fluently spoke the universal language of art. Though she never took an art class, Laurel’s trademark style can be seen on many coffee mugs, canvas tote bags, silk scarves, socks, woven pillows and throws, greeting cards, note cards, bookmarks, and magnets.
Don’t forget to visit The Gallery. Offering items such as clay sculptures and limited edition serigraphs, The Gallery has a unique selection of handmade crafts. Featuring original creations from gifted glass artists, The Gallery also has one-of-a-kind handcrafted jewelry. Come spend the day with us, and find a wealth of unique treasures from across the globe.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)