Make A Day Of It

Bazaar del Mundo: Make a day of it!

Whether you are a local, or visiting from out of town, a stop by Bazaar del Mundo is not just a quick shopping trip, it is an event. The atmosphere at Bazaar del Mundo is festive, authentic and inviting. Shoppers can stroll throughout the many shops, soaking in the vibrant colors, rich textiles and the beauty of handcrafted, one-of-a-kind items.
These shops are a destination unto themselves. You can browse the shops slowly, there is no need to rush from shop to shop. Stop by Artes de Mexico and marvel at handcrafted Talavera Ceramics, carved wooden figurines, Dias de los Muertos figures and carved masks. You will also find sterling silver jewelry, blankets and a variety of other beautiful authentic Mexican folk art.
Bring some color and life into your kitchen with the help of the Home Accents shop. You will find colorful Guatemalan textiles, carved wooden utensils, stone mortars and pestles and a whole lot more to give your kitchen and dining area a unique and beautiful flair. There is also a large selection of cookbooks to get you inspired.
These are just two of the many shops that make up Bazaar del Mundo. You can also find hand-blown glass, Mexican ornaments and more. Whether you are shopping for yourself, or looking for the perfect gift, you are sure to find something special here.
After you have gotten your fill of shopping, it’s time to get something to eat! In addition to the other Bazaar del Mundo restaurants in San Diego, you can head right next door to Casa Guadalajara Restaurant, offering, delicious and authentic Mexican dining in San Diego. Order up some fresh and delicious Mexican cuisine, and cool down with a frosty margarita. This is a great restaurant to friends or family, and a perfect way to celebrate a special occasion.
If you are looking for more than just a shopping trip or standard experience, come to Bazaar del Mundo, where you will sense the color and warmth of Mexico, right in historic Old Town.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)