Talavera Pottery

Truths About Talavera Pottery

The first truth about Talavera pottery is that it’s beautiful and irresistible. The second truth is that Bazaar del Mundo offers some sensational pieces of this distinguished pottery. So, shopping in San Diego should include a stop by our unique boutiques to get an eyeful of this pottery.

Brief History of Talavera Pottery

The process of making Talavera originates from Talavera de la Reina in Spain, where workshops have been making the pottery since the 16th century.

Characteristics of Talavera Pottery

Visitors to Bazaar del Mundo can admire the pottery pieces, with their vibrant colors and patterns. They may not realize it, but they’ve fallen under the spell of Talavera.
Talavera pottery is characterized by the white base and colorful designs that almost always contain cobalt blue because its beauty and rarity. Though the tradition started in Puebla, several regions in Mexico are now certified to produce the style.

Production of Talavera Pottery

Essentially, the artisans haven’t changed their process in hundreds of years. Why fool with a good thing, right?
It all starts with natural clay, basically a mix of black and white sand. The potter then throws the piece on a wheel. Once the piece has been dried and fired a first time, the potter applies the white glaze. He waits for it to dry then hand-paints the distinctive designs before firing it a final time. That’s why each piece of Talavera pottery is unique – and precious.
All the Talavera dishware at Bazaar del Mundo is lead free, and tested in the U.S. as well as Mexico. These pieces specifically come from Puebla, Guanajuato, and Delores Hildalgo.

Uses for Talavera Pottery

Most Talavera pottery comes in a utilitarian design, be it plates, bowls or even sinks. In fact, a whole bathroom can be designed with Talavera tiles, a hand-painted sink and a punched tin mirror – all available at Bazaar del Mundo.
Artisans also craft flower pots of all sizes. A huge Talavera pot can serve as the centerpiece of landscape design. Alternatively, several small pots with native plants will brighten up any room.
Talavera ceramics are both dishwasher and oven safe, too. Imagine cooking a delicious casserole and taking it to a potluck in a show piece of pottery.
So, no shopping trip in San Diego is complete without a visit to Bazaar del Mundo and a tour of our fine Talavera pottery. Prepare to fall in love.
Shopping San Diego, For more information call 619-296-3161

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