Tourist and Local Both Relish a Trip to Bazaar del Mundo

Of all the shops in San Diego, Bazaar del Mundo provides tourists and locals alike with the best selection of specialty items, art and hidden treasures from Latin America. With the charm and elegance of Old Mexico throughout the shops, visitors will find our colorful and whimsical kitchen and home décor, gifts, folk art, jewelry, crafts and fair trade merchandise that cannot be found anywhere else in San Diego. Moreover, the Bazaar features boutiques including Laurel Burch, Ariana, Artes de Mexico, The Gallery and the Guatemala shop. After working up an appetite, our guests head across the way to Diane Power’s authentic Casa Guadalajara Mexican restaurant, a favorite among the locals.
As the energetic and colorful gateway to San Diego’s Old Town District, the Bazaar del Mundo shops and restaurants are recognized for the international authenticity and Mexican cuisine. In addition to Casa Guadalajara, Diane Powers has several other restaurants throughout San Diego, including Casa de Bandini in Carlsbad, Casa de la Pico in La Mesa and Casa Sol y Mar in Del Mar. Each restaurant remains true to traditional Mexican cuisine and features strolling mariachi bands, lush patio garden dining and famous frosty margaritas.
Individual boutiques comprise Bazaar del Mundo with unique gifts from every part of the world, including collectibles, home accessories, creative fashion, handcrafted jewelry and arts and crafts. The locals love the one-of-a-kind selections just as much as the tourists do, perhaps even more so. They appreciate the vibrant kitchenware and tabletop linens, international ceramics and high-quality folk art from south of the border.
For several decades, Ms. Powers managed the operations of the Old Town District; however, she lost her concession in the park in 2005. Since then, local San Diegans seek out her distinctive ability to bring stunning art and merchandise to the shops at Bazaar del Mundo. We recommend that tourists and other visitors avoid missing out on:
Everything necessary for a vibrant, colorful and cheerful table setting in our Kitchen Shop.
The Gallery, which features crafts and fine folk art with an excellent array of artisan jewelry.
Ariana, for artistic and tasteful accessories and fashion.
The Laurel Burch boutique, Guatemala Shop, Gallerita and Artes de Mexico.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)